Energy Efficiency Incentives
Westfield Gas + Electric’s Energy Efficiency rebates are offered to promote the installation of energy efficiency measures including air sealing and insulation in your home. Rebates are available to customers who have installed eligible measures within the past twelve (12) months.

Self‐installation of insulation is not eligible for rebate. Homeowner must comply with the recommended insulation levels unless expressly waived by Westfield Gas + Electric. Customers that implement more than one eligible measure listed above and on their Energy Audit Report are eligible for a maximum of $900/customer/year. Heating system rebates for oil or propane fired systems only.
Eligibility for Rebate:
- Applicant must be a current electric or gas customer of Westfield Gas and Electric.
- Homeowner must qualify for and schedule a home energy audit prior to any work being done.
- Energy Efficiency measures must be installed by a licensed contractor.
- Program terms and conditions are subject to change or cancellation without notice.
[To Apply by Mail](/uploads/images/WGE_efficiency_rebate-1.pdf)