It has been 5 years since Westfield Gas + Electric first announced their plans to fully launch locally owned gigabit internet to Westfield as Whip City Fiber (WCF). Since then, Whip City Fiber has offered service to over 70% of the city and connected over 5,000 customers. Now, we are gearing up for the 2021 construction season with plans approved by the Municipal Light Board to expand Whip City Fiber service to 9 new areas in Westfield over the next twelve months.
We hope that residents in these newly selected areas will appreciate the value of locally owned internet and take advantage of this reliable high-speed service. Given the importance of internet access over the last year, we want the community to know that we are committed to continuing expansion in Westfield. This 12-month plan is just the beginning. Our long-range plan includes completing the downtown area in 2022 and serving all of Westfield by 2025.
The following areas are lined up for construction starting this summer. Some areas will be ready for installation by early fall.
o Upper Montgomery Rd. Area, Wyben
o Meadow St. Area, St Paul, Hanover St to Sycamore St.
o White St Area, Main St. to East Bartlett St.
o Orange St. Area, Elm St. to Ford Ave.
o Franklin St. Area, Provin Terr. to Kellogg St.
o Franklin St. Area, Shepard St. to Franklin Ave.
o Russell Rd. Area, Tekoa CC
o Hampton Ponds Area
o Mainline Drive
If you live in one of the areas listed above and have not applied yet, you’re in the right place! Click here to sign up today. If you signed up in the past, Whip City Fiber will be in touch with you as soon as service is available in your neighborhood.
WG+E/WCF thanks all the residents of Westfield for their support throughout this extensive project. We are excited to add new customers by connecting more of the city!