Westfield Gas + Electric made the switch from summer to winter rates in November 2023. Good news: gas and electric rates are lower now than last winter! WG+E customers will see their winter gas bills decrease about 12% from the 2022-23 heating season. For the average residential customer, the January 2024 bill will be about $36 lower than last January. Electric rates which were adjusted in September, are about 12% lower, which is a $16 decrease per month for the typical household.
Global events have kept the prices for gas and electricity higher than we have been used to seeing compared to a couple of years ago. Since New England competes on the global market for winter gas, higher global prices ultimately influence what customers pay in Westfield. Geopolitical conflicts, US exports of liquified natural gas (LNG), and record gas demand for power generation kept prices from being reduced for this winter. Europe remains in a delicate winter fuel situation, and any change in that market could create a spike in prices. WG+E’s regular good hedging practices provide protection against these concerns through both stable rates and reliable power and gas for your home.
“We are comfortable that WG+E is in a good position to continue these favorable rates to our customers,” commented Tom Flaherty, General Manager. “The rate reductions are part of WG+E’s commitment to providing affordable and reliable energy services to the community.”
All customers can benefit by continuing to reduce usage and preparing for higher bills this winter. If you need assistance managing your energy bills, do not hesitate to call Customer Service to discuss any of the following recommendations:
1. Use energy more efficiently. Control energy use and reduce your monthly bills by using energy wisely.
- Insulate doors and windows
- Purchase energy-efficient appliances
- Install automatic set-back thermostats
- Schedule a FREE home energy audit at 1-844-403-7960
- Make an appointment to get your furnace inspected (call WG+E at 572-0100)
2. Sign up for a budget payment plan. It’s never too late!
Spread out natural gas and electric payments over a 10-month period to avoid the spikes that winter heating bills could bring. Call the WG+E customer service team at 413-572-0100 to get started.
3. Apply for assistance paying your energy bills.
WG+E continues to work with various agencies to assist residential customers in financial need. Call WG+E at 572-0100 to find out if you may qualify for any fuel assistance options.